News / Blog

Making the Most of Your 2022-2023 School Budget

Making the Most of Your 2022-2023 School Budget

One of the few silver linings that came out of the COVID-19 pandemic was the increased government funding for K-12 schools thanks to the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund. Established as part of the Education Stabilization Fund in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, the ESSER Fund allows state educational agencies, or SEAs, to apply for and award subgrants to local educational agencies, or LEAs, to help lessen the negative impact that …
Sep 20, 2022
What's the Latest Technology for Special Education?

What's the Latest Technology for Special Education?

It’s an extraordinary time to be alive. Technologies we could not have even dreamed just 50 years ago are now commonplace, everyday parts of our lives. The advances we’ve made in technology are helping us achieve more in virtually every industry, including education. Thanks to the technology we now have available in our classrooms, teachers are able to reach their students on a personalized level, giving them the tools and resources to meet their unique needs and circumstances so that they ca …
Sep 06, 2022
Extend the Life of your Headphones With These 3 Easy Tips

Extend the Life of your Headphones With These 3 Easy Tips

What did we ever do before the invention of headphones and earbuds? Thanks to these wonderful devices, we have our own private listening booth everywhere we go. Headphones and earbuds offer us a world-class stereo listening experience that blocks out the distractions of the outside world, all while allowing others to carry on with their business without being bothered by what we’re listening to. Really, when you think about it, headphones and earbuds are right up there with some of the best i …
Jul 28, 2022
How Tutoring Companies are Bridging the Learning Loss Gap

How Tutoring Companies are Bridging the Learning Loss Gap

Over two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, a number of K-12 students still have yet to get back on track. The disruption that was caused by the need to pivot to remote learning is still being felt by teachers as they try to address the disparity between where students are versus where they should be on their educational path. According to a May 2022 study conducted by Harvard using testing data from 2.1 million students across 49 states plus Washington, D.C., remote instruction was found t …
Jul 28, 2022
Top Podcasts and Other Online Content for Early Childhood Learning

Top Podcasts and Other Online Content for Early Childhood Learning

Accessing high-quality educational materials for young learners has never been easier! Thanks to the abundance of online content geared toward early childhood learning, children have the resources they need to succeed in academics right at their fingertips. With engaging, fun educational programming and podcasts available via websites and apps, your little one can get a head start with reading and math readiness concepts through content that entertains as it educates. Best Educational P …
Jul 06, 2022
Addressing Post-Pandemic Learning Loss With Summer Programming

Addressing Post-Pandemic Learning Loss With Summer Programming

Two years after the COVID-19 pandemic forced schools across the United States to close their doors and pivot to an online learning platform for months on end, numerous elementary, middle and high school students are still feeling the after-effects. The necessity of switching to remote learning in an effort to protect students and teachers from contracting the novel coronavirus ended up having a significant, devastating impact on learning, with many students falling far behind grade level expe …
Jul 05, 2022
Students Stay More Engaged with High-Quality Headphones - What's the Difference?

Students Stay More Engaged with High-Quality Headphones - What's the Difference?

As the world recovers from the pandemic, the online learning environment has been crucial in helping students continue their education. Even though classrooms are starting to fill up again, there’s one accessory students have that can still enhance their learning experience: school testing headphones. With the right pair of high-quality headphones, students stay more engaged with their coursework, studies, activities, and online lectures. In this article, we’ll first explain exactly …
May 11, 2022
What Makes Headphones Great for School?

What Makes Headphones Great for School?

As the end of the 2021-2022 school year winds to a close, students, teachers, and parents everywhere are celebrating the end of the most normal year we’ve had in K-12 education since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. For the first time in years, schools across the country got down to business as usual, with students returning to full-time in-person learning and many of the mandates and restrictions put in place in school districts finally getting more relaxed. Of course, the school ye …
Apr 19, 2022
​  eSports and Other Gaming Curriculum in Education: What You Need to Know

​ eSports and Other Gaming Curriculum in Education: What You Need to Know

It's no secret that the world of education is constantly evolving. From new teaching techniques to new technology, educators have more to choose from than ever before when it comes to educating their students—and one of the most exciting recent trends in education has been eSports. eSports and other game-based educational curricula are a hot new trend in education, recently highlighted at the FETC and TCEA conferences. On both occasions, talented speakers offered practical advice for in …
Mar 30, 2022
How to Choose Gaming Headsets for Minecraft's Education Edition

How to Choose Gaming Headsets for Minecraft's Education Edition

Classroom gaming headsets are in high demand. How do you decide which gaming headset to purchase? Fortunately, there some great “convertible” options designed for classroom use when gaming programs are being utilized and even when they’re not. Gaming Headset Options Why are  gaming headsets more costly? Most gaming headsets include detachable inline gaming controls, premium surround sound, separate game and audio chat, and cushioned ear cups that diminish external distracti …
Mar 30, 2022