News / Blog

Keeping Kids Focused and Distraction Free for Remote Learning

Keeping Kids Focused and Distraction Free for Remote Learning

If you are one of the millions of parents across the country who have had to adapt to supervising your children's remote learning during the Covid-19 pandemic, we don't have to tell you that it can be something of a struggle. Not only are you trying to ensure that each of your children is still receiving a quality education and learning everything he or she needs to succeed at grade level and be promoted at the end of the school year, but you are also likely working from home yourself and jug …
Jan 20, 2022
How Tech Products are Advancing Special Education

How Tech Products are Advancing Special Education

Thanks to numerous technological advances over the past couple of decades, the educational landscape looks a whole lot different from how it did when we went to school! Students are now able to connect with their lessons in ways they never could before, and teachers are able to reach more students in their class with high-tech materials tailored to their individual learning needs. With amazing new technology changing the face of education, the possibilities are limitless! This is especi …
Jan 19, 2022
What Makes an Award-Winning Headset?

What Makes an Award-Winning Headset?

If you’ve had any previous experience with headsets, you already know that they’re not all created equal in terms of quality, durability, and affordability. But what does it take for a headset to transcend “good” to become “multi-award winning?” Just ask AVID, the makers of the AE-55 headset model that just took top honors at the Tech & Learning ISTE Best Of Show 2020 awards and Tech & Learning’s 2021 Best Remote Learning Tools. Meet the AE-55 Headset: Available in a …
Jan 18, 2022
Make Distance Learning Less Challenging by Using Quality Headphones

Make Distance Learning Less Challenging by Using Quality Headphones

Go ahead, ask any parent- what’s one of the biggest challenges you’ve had to face this past year? Overwhelmingly, the answer will likely have something to do with juggling their own work-from-home schedule with the responsibilities associated with their children’s homeschooling due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We’ve just passed the one-year anniversary of the day that life as we know it was turned upside-down, and it’s been a turbulent ride for many of us who had to navigate the tric …
Jan 17, 2022
Technology and Equipment Designed for the Return to In-Person Learning

Technology and Equipment Designed for the Return to In-Person Learning

With three different COVID-19 vaccines available to adults nationwide, it looks like we may finally be nearing the end of the pandemic in America. This news is especially welcome to parents of school-age children, many of whom have been overseeing their kids’ remote learning since mid-March 2020, when the coronavirus caused all in-person learning for most K-12 schools to grind to a halt. While a number of school districts in the nation have since reopened for in-person learning in a lim …
Jan 16, 2022
The Perfect Combination of Doc and Web Cam for Virtual Learning

The Perfect Combination of Doc and Web Cam for Virtual Learning

Whether you’re a teacher, a student, or a parent, the 2020-2021 school year will be forever remembered as the year of the “pivot.” Who could have ever seen this coming? In an instant, the educational model we have relied on to teach our elementary, middle, and high school students, not to mention all of the young adults at higher education institutions, was turned upside down by the events of the COVID-19 pandemic, forcing educators and school administrators everywhere to reimagine the Americ …
Jan 15, 2022
Closing the "Learning Loss" Gap

Closing the "Learning Loss" Gap

The COVID-19 pandemic changed nearly every aspect of ordinary life almost overnight. Everything we once took for granted -- watching our children’s soccer games, grocery shopping, and having friends over for dinner-- suddenly became fraught with concern over our health and the well-being of our loved ones. Life as we knew it ground to a sudden, frightening halt as new regulations and restrictions were put in place to help minimize the spread of the novel Coronavirus. The resulting closures of …
Jan 14, 2022
Kids Headphones & Safe Listening This Summer

Kids Headphones & Safe Listening This Summer

Summer has arrived and that means summer travel, kids spending time at the pool, beach, or lake, and listening to tunes or playing games on a smartphone or tablet with headphones. Have you ever wondered if the headphones you’re buying your kids are safe for their little ears? With a recent study out about kid’s headphones and potential hearing loss, it’s reassuring to know that JLab’s JBuddies kids headphones ensure the volume only goes to safe levels and are safe for your toddler, prescho …
Jan 13, 2022
Education Recovery With the CARES Act and Title 1 Funding

Education Recovery With the CARES Act and Title 1 Funding

The year 2020 will likely be remembered for one significant event- the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting fallout that caused the world to change completely almost overnight. Some of the creative workarounds and pivots we were forced to devise in order to continue the various systems and processes that make up our society turned out to be even more beneficial to us than the way we did things before and are likely to become part of our everyday lives even after the pandemic has officially end …
Jan 12, 2022
Creating a Clean and Healthy Classroom this Fall

Creating a Clean and Healthy Classroom this Fall

As summer vacation begins to wind to a close, parents, students, and teachers alike are setting their sights on a school year that looks much more like the ones we all used to remember. After a fun-filled summer of gathering once more with our friends and loved ones, not to mention the return of playdates, summer camp, and Fourth of July fireworks in the park, we’re all excited to welcome the 2021-22 school year and get our students back on track for a year of in-person learning. Howeve …
Jan 11, 2022