News / Blog

How Can Elementary School Students Benefit From Wearing Headphones in the Classroom?

How Can Elementary School Students Benefit From Wearing Headphones in the Classroom?

Elementary school classrooms can be a noisy place. With the presence of chatter and disruption, it can be difficult to stay focused on the task at hand. But what if there was a way for students to have their own personalized learning environment? For many K-5 teachers across the country, one clear, affordable and easy solution has presented itself: headphones. By requesting a pair of headphones on each student’s supply list at the beginning of the year, purchasing a classroom set of hea …
Mar 14, 2023
Creating Equal Opportunity for Students With Learning Differences Through Technology

Creating Equal Opportunity for Students With Learning Differences Through Technology

In today's world, access to technology has widened educational opportunities for students of all abilities. However, for those with learning differences, traditional school settings may not be equipped to meet their needs. Education is a vital part of every person's life, and it is important to ensure that all students have opportunities to succeed regardless of any challenges they may face. Every student deserves an equal opportunity to succeed in school, regardless of their individual learn …
Mar 14, 2023
Overcoming Language Barriers in Schools With Technology

Overcoming Language Barriers in Schools With Technology

Overcoming language barriers in schools is very important to educators, as many students are non-English speakers, and this makes it difficult for them to interact with other students and learn. However, technology can help with this and can be used to bridge the language gap in a variety of ways. By using  school classroom headphones and other equipment, teachers can help their students become better communicators in their native languages. This will make it easier for them to be part …
Feb 15, 2023
It's Almost School Testing Time: Do Your Students Have the Right Headphones?

It's Almost School Testing Time: Do Your Students Have the Right Headphones?

Technology has made its way into the school system, and one of the most essential tools for any student today is a set of headphones. Whether it’s to listen to lectures and lessons or participate in online tests, having a good quality pair of headphones can make all the difference in your academic success. But choosing the right pair of school headphones can be tricky. With so many types and styles on the market, how do you choose the best one for your needs? In this blog post, we'll discuss …
Feb 15, 2023
How Headsets Can Enhance Focus and Productivity In The Workplace

How Headsets Can Enhance Focus and Productivity In The Workplace

Working in the office comes with its own soundtrack of distractions. From phones ringing to colleagues chatting, it can be hard to find the focus you need to get work done. But what if there was a way to drown out the noise and improve your concentration? In this article, we'll explore how headsets can help increase productivity and focus in the workplace. Introduction to Headsets Headsets are a common sight in offices and other workplaces. They are often used to help employees st …
Feb 13, 2023
How Important are Headsets and Focused Listening for ELL/ESL Students?

How Important are Headsets and Focused Listening for ELL/ESL Students?

If you are a teacher who is faced with the task of providing focused listening for English Language Learners/English as a Second Language (ELL/ESL) students, it is important that you take the necessary steps to ensure that they are given the appropriate accommodations to enable them to do so. In order to do this, you will need to be familiar with the guidelines set by your state. You can also keep an eye out for resources that can help you ensure that you are meeting these standards. For exam …
Feb 13, 2023
State Testing: What Headsets Will You Need?

State Testing: What Headsets Will You Need?

Spring has arrived, and with it, the school standardized testing season. Throughout the country, students will soon be taking state tests. TELPAS, PARCC WCAP, SBAC and more. Educators and testing coordinators preparing for testing will need headsets for use with the test so that students can complete listening comprehension and speaking exercises. Many state tests have requirements for these headsets to make sure they will be compatible with the testing software, and schools will need t …
Jan 17, 2023
Make Saving the Planet Your New Year's Resolution: Here's How

Make Saving the Planet Your New Year's Resolution: Here's How

With 2022 drawing to a close, the new year ahead brings virtually unlimited possibilities. By working together, we can make 2023 a year filled with hope, prosperity, and change, all by doing little things every day in our small corner of the world to make a difference. One of the most significant ways you can make a positive impact on our world, not just in the present but for future generations, is to take a closer look at your carbon footprint to see how you can set about reducing it …
Jan 06, 2023
How Gaming Can Influence Positive Learning Experiences

How Gaming Can Influence Positive Learning Experiences

Since the advent of the first home video gaming console in the 1970s, critics have warned parents against the dangers of allowing their children to play video games. Over the years, video gaming has been blamed for everything from short attention spans to procrastination, not to mention the ages-old argument that staring at a screen for prolonged periods of time can adversely affect eyesight. However, while there may be some truth to these arguments, it seems we hardly ever talk about t …
Jan 06, 2023
Enhancing School Technology for In-Person and Remote Learning

Enhancing School Technology for In-Person and Remote Learning

As we near the quarter mark of the 21st century, the importance of technology keeps on growing in our society. And that isn’t going to be changing anytime soon—in fact, if technology keeps growing as quickly as it has in the past decade alone, when once-unfathomable concepts such as artificial intelligence, e-commerce, social media and biotechnology went from science fiction to commonplace parts of everyday life, there’s no telling what the next generation might be able to do. Of course …
Dec 20, 2022