News / Blog

Enhance Sound Quality in Earbuds with These Handy Tips

Enhance Sound Quality in Earbuds with These Handy Tips

When it comes to using earbuds to help K-12 students connect and engage with their lessons, poor sound quality can significantly impact the learning experience. From language labs to multimedia lessons, clear and crisp audio is essential for student engagement and comprehension. While purchasing high-quality earbuds is a crucial first step, there are a bunch of techniques educators and administrators can try to enhance the sound quality of earbuds, whether you’re opting for top-of-the-line sc …
Jun 17, 2024
How to Know When It's Time to Replace Your Educational Technology

How to Know When It's Time to Replace Your Educational Technology

Welcome to the digital age of education! Technology has revolutionized the way we teach and learn, making it more interactive, engaging, and fun. From educational apps to online resources, there's no denying that technology has become an essential part of modern classrooms. However, as with any other equipment, educational technology can wear out over time. But how do you know when it's time to replace your classroom's tech gear? In this blog post, we'll share some tips on how teachers …
Aug 02, 2023
How Headsets Can Enhance Focus and Productivity In The Workplace

How Headsets Can Enhance Focus and Productivity In The Workplace

Working in the office comes with its own soundtrack of distractions. From phones ringing to colleagues chatting, it can be hard to find the focus you need to get work done. But what if there was a way to drown out the noise and improve your concentration? In this article, we'll explore how headsets can help increase productivity and focus in the workplace. Introduction to Headsets Headsets are a common sight in offices and other workplaces. They are often used to help employees st …
Feb 13, 2023
How Important are Headsets and Focused Listening for ELL/ESL Students?

How Important are Headsets and Focused Listening for ELL/ESL Students?

If you are a teacher who is faced with the task of providing focused listening for English Language Learners/English as a Second Language (ELL/ESL) students, it is important that you take the necessary steps to ensure that they are given the appropriate accommodations to enable them to do so. In order to do this, you will need to be familiar with the guidelines set by your state. You can also keep an eye out for resources that can help you ensure that you are meeting these standards. For exam …
Feb 13, 2023